Technological risks
that Blockchain can improve
in the Smart City industry
Poor management
Sparse community connection
Lack of transparency
Limited information exchange
Low security

VBC supplies multiple Blockchain solutions across the Smart City industry

Custom Blockchain Smart City Management Systems
Cities can connect by using Blockchain vertical services, such as mobility, energy or security, through an open system that can access and exchange data with their residents in real time.
Smart Energy on the Blockchain platform
Blockchain can provide a public energy management system, increase safe energy access and privacy security, facilitate transactions in the P2P energy market, provide information details on the actual composition of the energy mix, and increase the use of green energy.
Blockchain Integration
Blockchain supports the government agencies and the public to interact digitally without the need for intermediaries with an advanced and sustainable urban management model highly digitized.
Smart city based on IoT devices integrated Blockchain
Enhancing quality of life, "smart" urban landscape with many IoT sensors connected to collect data and join vast communication networks, which can solve new security challenges.
Blockchain Ecosystem For Smart City
Designing the Blockchain model provides citizens with the basis to interact with public administration and local communities based on the SSI authentication model and smart contracts between entities, citizens and government.
Blockchain Resource Traceability
Blockchain allows both the public and city officials to know the source and destination of each resource, helps to find out how city services are being used without compromising people's privacy.
Mobility as a Service (MaaS)
Blockchain realizes MaaS that seamlessly connects multiple transportation systems to provide highly convenient transportation services, exchange data and sharing turnovers among multiple transporting operators, and transportation can take place across cities.
Self-Sovereign Identity on Blockchain platform (SSI)
Residents manage personal information through an application, on a mobile device or computer with an identification number to create the private key. Elements that make up identity and control access to identity data.
Timesheet Data Stored in Blockchain
Blockchain automates the check-in and check-out process in the office, allows employees to manage tasks and timesheets, which helps to solve fraud problems such as redundant requests as well as ensures all changes to the timesheet are recorded.

Benefits of Blockchain technology for the Smart Cities industry:

Grant all members of the Smart City community to access and verify shared information.
Ensuring the benefits of urbanization, urban growth management policies must match the accessibility of infrastructure and e-services for all citizens.
Prevent manipulation, information modification, and privacy violations through a private security key.